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Online Poker Bluff Tells

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It was a picturesque mid-Autumn evening of 2005 in Mexico City. Falling tree leaves were propelled through the sky by a warm breeze that brought a lazy shower to our neighborhood. The air was filled with both electricity and tranquility – and with drawn-back curtains and admiring eyes, I took in the view from an open window in my computer room.

Spotting Online Poker Tells What are poker tells? Tells are often described as a twitch of the nose, a crease on the forehead or a physical clue of some kind that alerts you to what your opponent is holding. You'll often hear poker greats talking about reading their opponent's hand based solely on a tell. There are a number of generic tells, however, that can give you a solid start when you're playing poker online. A Long Pause, Followed by a Raise This is one of the most obvious online tells. With online poker you can look for HUD based tells such as a high Raise Flop%, discrepancies in 3Bet% by position and an abnormally high AF. Common signs of bluffing in both online poker and live poker also include larger than normal bet sizes, a story that simply doesn't make sense given the board runout and a recreational player who is on tilt. It depends, like most things in poker. I can only tell you about my thought process. Some say I play like a donkey, but I don't know if that's because I'm a better player, or that I am infact a donkey. If you love poker, then you will love PokerTube. The world's largest Poker Media website has everything you need to follow the games that matter to you. With over 20,000 videos available covering a wide variety of live and online games, Pokertube is a priceless resource for enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Online Poker Bluff Tells

Attempting to grasp or take control of the positive energy and awareness that was channeling itself through my body that evening would have been fruitless - I was simply along for the ride. While in an almost surreal state-of-mind that is every poker player's dream, I found myself dominating the online tables at Poker Stars in such a manner that motivated some of my opponents to praise the way I was playing.
For 50 minutes, I had scratched, clawed, and re-raised my way to a heads-up confrontation versus a decent (and somewhat tricky) player in a 9-handed Sit & Go tournament. Without the benefit of cards, I arrived at this particular heads-up battle with a very slight chip lead. The blinds were 100/200 with 25-chip Ante, and each of us had over 6,500 chips (out of a possible 13,500)… That's when 'The Hand' happened.
Online Poker Bluff Tells
Out of the small blind, I picked up A3 offsuit and immediately bumped it up to 550 and got a quick call from my opponent. Now, it would be a pleasure to tell you that I had a specific plan or idea in mind when I made this raise; but the truth is that it was a purely ‘generic' pre-flop raise and my opponent's subsequent call didn't really provide me with any type of information.
We saw a rainbow flop of 993, and my opponent fired out 700 chips into a pot of 1,150. In most situations I would have probably raised a healthy amount (maybe even pushed all-in) with my baby pair of 3's. But remember, I was 'in the zone', so I smooth-called his flop bet with the intention of extracting more chips from him on the turn.
Well, the turn came 993[6], and once again my opponent wasted no time in tossing 2,000 chips into the 2,550 pot. It was at this point when I made a horrible mistake and misplayed my hand… by foolishly cold-calling the turn bet. In my opinion, just about ANY action would have been better than calling at this juncture. But for some reason, I had allowed my emotions to replace common-sense; thus setting up one of the most defining moments in my online poker career.
At this point, I was playing the hand blindly, and I knew it. There was no read, no logic, and most importantly, absolutely no positive expectation that could be exploited by playing the hand the way I did. It entered the back of my mind that this would be the end of my current session, regardless of the outcome. I was now more in the mood to enjoy a quiet evening at home instead of playing online poker.
So with a numb perspective on the current business at hand, the river brought 9936[J], and my opponent uncharacteristically took over five seconds to push all-in. I remember thinking to myself 'What in the world is taking him so long? What is he up to, anyway?' And then, it HIT me! Through some weird combination of foolish play and dumb luck, I had stumbled upon one of the most obscure online poker tells I've ever known. My opponent had rags! It was obvious and clear why my opponent had taken longer than usual to act.
So, 'What was this great online poker tell?' you ask. 'Can I incorporate it into my own game?' Well, I admit, I haven't had such a moment of pure inspiration at the tables since that rainy evening. You see, my opponent didn't act immediately because he was too busy getting ready to throw slime in my face. Instead of just pushing his rags and getting it over with, my opponent had brought up the Poker Stars Main Lobby window and un-checked the ‘Muck Winning Hand' option; thus allowing him to show me his rags if he happened to bluff me off the river. That's what caused the delay.
So I called his all-in bet with my pair of 3's and won the tournament against his failed attempt to outplay me with 72 offsuit. What ensued after that was one of the most-heated arguments I've ever seen displayed in a chat box. Of course, he called me an idiot (and some other things) for making that call on the river, but he completely lost his composure after I told him how I picked up on his tell. He became furious and called me a cheater, saying the only way I could have possibly known his actions (bringing up the Main Lobby and un-checking the ‘Muck Winning Hand' option) was if I had hacked into his computer, etc.
Ironically, this same player gave up on his online poker game shortly afterwards, and has never attempted to recover the skill he once had; let alone improve or consider new ideas. His opinions can be found on numerous online forums, where he begins poker conspiracy theories and tin-foil hat (shiny-side-in) scenarios that earn him much more ridicule and pity rather than the respect and credibility he craves.
Online Poker Bluff Tells


Attempting to grasp or take control of the positive energy and awareness that was channeling itself through my body that evening would have been fruitless - I was simply along for the ride. While in an almost surreal state-of-mind that is every poker player's dream, I found myself dominating the online tables at Poker Stars in such a manner that motivated some of my opponents to praise the way I was playing.
For 50 minutes, I had scratched, clawed, and re-raised my way to a heads-up confrontation versus a decent (and somewhat tricky) player in a 9-handed Sit & Go tournament. Without the benefit of cards, I arrived at this particular heads-up battle with a very slight chip lead. The blinds were 100/200 with 25-chip Ante, and each of us had over 6,500 chips (out of a possible 13,500)… That's when 'The Hand' happened.
Out of the small blind, I picked up A3 offsuit and immediately bumped it up to 550 and got a quick call from my opponent. Now, it would be a pleasure to tell you that I had a specific plan or idea in mind when I made this raise; but the truth is that it was a purely ‘generic' pre-flop raise and my opponent's subsequent call didn't really provide me with any type of information.
We saw a rainbow flop of 993, and my opponent fired out 700 chips into a pot of 1,150. In most situations I would have probably raised a healthy amount (maybe even pushed all-in) with my baby pair of 3's. But remember, I was 'in the zone', so I smooth-called his flop bet with the intention of extracting more chips from him on the turn.
Well, the turn came 993[6], and once again my opponent wasted no time in tossing 2,000 chips into the 2,550 pot. It was at this point when I made a horrible mistake and misplayed my hand… by foolishly cold-calling the turn bet. In my opinion, just about ANY action would have been better than calling at this juncture. But for some reason, I had allowed my emotions to replace common-sense; thus setting up one of the most defining moments in my online poker career.
At this point, I was playing the hand blindly, and I knew it. There was no read, no logic, and most importantly, absolutely no positive expectation that could be exploited by playing the hand the way I did. It entered the back of my mind that this would be the end of my current session, regardless of the outcome. I was now more in the mood to enjoy a quiet evening at home instead of playing online poker.
So with a numb perspective on the current business at hand, the river brought 9936[J], and my opponent uncharacteristically took over five seconds to push all-in. I remember thinking to myself 'What in the world is taking him so long? What is he up to, anyway?' And then, it HIT me! Through some weird combination of foolish play and dumb luck, I had stumbled upon one of the most obscure online poker tells I've ever known. My opponent had rags! It was obvious and clear why my opponent had taken longer than usual to act.
So, 'What was this great online poker tell?' you ask. 'Can I incorporate it into my own game?' Well, I admit, I haven't had such a moment of pure inspiration at the tables since that rainy evening. You see, my opponent didn't act immediately because he was too busy getting ready to throw slime in my face. Instead of just pushing his rags and getting it over with, my opponent had brought up the Poker Stars Main Lobby window and un-checked the ‘Muck Winning Hand' option; thus allowing him to show me his rags if he happened to bluff me off the river. That's what caused the delay.
So I called his all-in bet with my pair of 3's and won the tournament against his failed attempt to outplay me with 72 offsuit. What ensued after that was one of the most-heated arguments I've ever seen displayed in a chat box. Of course, he called me an idiot (and some other things) for making that call on the river, but he completely lost his composure after I told him how I picked up on his tell. He became furious and called me a cheater, saying the only way I could have possibly known his actions (bringing up the Main Lobby and un-checking the ‘Muck Winning Hand' option) was if I had hacked into his computer, etc.
Ironically, this same player gave up on his online poker game shortly afterwards, and has never attempted to recover the skill he once had; let alone improve or consider new ideas. His opinions can be found on numerous online forums, where he begins poker conspiracy theories and tin-foil hat (shiny-side-in) scenarios that earn him much more ridicule and pity rather than the respect and credibility he craves.
Many online players seek out lists of 'Tells' in hopes of finding an easy solution to difficult situations. Most would be surprised to discover that reading a tell online is an art form rather than an exact science. Re-evaluating the hand described above, there's no way I knew with 100% accuracy that I was correct – however, picking up on that particular tell converted an 'iffy' call into a very elementary decision. After all, I only had to showdown the winning hand 25% of the time to break-even. Basically, I was risking about 3,300 chips for a chance at winning close to 10,000. So it's highly improbable I would have folded the hand on the river regardless (especially after having played against this opponent before, and knowing he was capable of an all-out bluff).

Bluff Avenue Poker

In poker games such as No Limit Texas Hold ‘em, where advantages and edges are often miniscule, picking up tells is a useful means of altering the numbers and percentages of probability in order to arrive at a more-concrete conclusion. For example, if you're completely lost and don't know what to do on the flop (but in position), your opponent's actions can sometimes turn a 50/50 situation into a 60/40 one; in turn allowing you to be more comfortable with betting, raising, or folding your hand depending on your interpretation of that specific internet poker tell.
Gaining or removing ten percentage points may not seem like much to the casual observer, but 10% is definitely worthwhile… and anything over 10% is very good. On very rare occasions, you might be able to flip a 30/70 situation into a 70/30 one; which is huge. By consistently combining tells with one's ability to make reads, extract value and manipulate opponents, a player may significantly increase his/her long-term expectation at the tables. And that's what it's all about!
List of Online Poker Tells
1. An opponent's timing or rhythm when checking or betting – can sometimes show weakness or strength along with hesitation.
2. The amount your opponent bets – often used to decipher just how much a player likes his/her hand.
3. Time bank usage – be careful with this one, it can be very misleading.
4. Chat – can be very informative in revealing an opponent's general tendencies or pre-flop hand selection attitude over an extended period of time (as well as detecting tilt), but I'd be careful about applying this for one specific hand (in cases where your opponent is talking to you when it's your turn to act)
5. Percentage of hands played – this can be very illuminating when trying to label a specific opponent's pre-flop starting hand selection. In most cases, it shouldn't take you longer than a few orbits to calculate whether he/she is playing the cards or playing the situation.
6. Multi-tabling – the more tables your opponent is playing (starting at 4-tabling), the less likely it is that he/she is being tricky or deceptive
7. Action on the turn – can sometimes provide a more-accurate indicator of your opponent's hand strength than the flop or river.15:47
24 Dec

You're on the clock.. Your opponent has just made a big bet on the river and it looks like he's trying to scare you away but is he really bluffing? What if he's just value betting? What if he knows his big bet would look suspicious in your eyes? What if he wants you to call? You look at your two cards and take a lost look at the five community cards. What is he trying to represent? You know you need more information to hero call your opponent. Does he have any physical tells? And how do I actually spot a bluff by just looking at him?

If you have been in this situation and asked yourself all those questions, you're in luck. It may be a little late for that last hand, but after reading the next few lines, you'll be ready for the future.

However, this won't be a list of poker professionals recommendations that can vary and can be quite confusing. Instead we will be sharing the results of psychological research conducted with a computer program. Yes, not a real person but an AI who can actually spot a liar successfully 75% of the time. That's 25% more than a human being's success rate; Or at least, that's what the researchers from the University of Michigan are saying.

According to an article called Deception Detection using Real-life Trial Data, the researchers taught a computer to catch a human being red-handed. What did they do exactly? They basically gave the program 118 videos to watch. Half of them were YouTube videos that included various persons responding to questions about made-up films and scripts, thus bluffers. The other half were testimonies from a non-profit organization that helps people who are wrongfully imprisoned with a mixture of both bluffers and truth-tellers

The program studied all those clips and came up with some pretty interesting results that can be very well used at the poker table.

Hand Gestures Are More Common When Bluffing

The AI has spoken: 40% of the liars are using their hands a lot when they are trying to convince the interlocutor while only 25% of the truth-tellers are actually using excessive hand gestures. But this is hardly a tell at the poker table where most of your opponents will be playing with their chips and not gesturing enough. However, one might be able to spot a tell based on how someone plays with their chips. Maybe there is something in how much the fidget with them or how fast they toss them.

Don't Be Fooled By The Direct Eye Contact

Most of us know liars avoid direct eye contact right? Well WRONG! In fact, in the bluffer's attempt to convince you he's telling the truth, he instinctively tries a little too much so he's much more susceptible to look directly in your eyes than a player who is actually telling the truth. Basically, when he's weak, he tries to look strong. Natural no?

Pokers Bluffs Il

And now it seems the AI picked up this interesting physical tell and gave the bluffers a 10% edge: while 60% of the truth-teller looked directly in the eyes of the interlocutor, the liars made the same exact move 70% of the time. So next time you're at a poker table and you look at your opponent who bet big on the river, don't be fooled by the fact he's staring back at you like he's saying ‘I've got nothing to hide.' Because guess what, he still might be lying.

Worrying Too Much Is A Sign Of Strength

Again, weak is strong in general, not just at the poker table, remember that. You opponent might try to look worried, might scowl and grimace just to convince you he has a weak holding when in fact, he doesn't. The computer program from the University of Michigan can confirm that: 30% of the bluffers scowled and grimaced while only 10% of the honest people used such signs of dissatisfaction.

Why? Because we try to imitate something natural such as telling the truth in an unnatural way and this usually leads to overdoing it or using the gestures in all the wrong situations. Make sense right?

Yes Means No

This is basically the principle of lying, yet this very simple principle can help us both off and on the poker felt. According to the research, the bluffers usually nod their head much more often than the truth-tellers. Plus the head nodders are not such confident individuals we might add. A strong character holding a strong poker hand doesn't need approval from anyone, they know who they are and what they have so they don't need to tell you and won't try to convince you with their body language.

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Sentence Fillers Are Bluffers

This is one of the few actual facts taught well by our parents when we were young. Indeed, those who use fillers like ‘um' and ‘uh' are more likely to be liars. And it makes sense also as those ums and uhs indicate pauses in the thinking process, pauses usually used to make things up.

But what does these fillers have to do with the play at the poker table? For one, you can ask your opponent if he's bluffing. If his answer is ‘Um, no' then maybe you should consider hero calling. Or maybe your foe read this article too and uses a level 3 type of poker thinking on you. Hmmm…

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It's Not About Me, It's About Him Or Her

This last sign is pretty tricky and you must pay special attention to the way your opponent is speaking.

Best Poker Bluffs

It seems the computer program identified that the liars don't like to speak about themselves that often. Instead of using first-person pronouns like ‘I' and ‘we' they choose instead to use ‘he' or ‘she.' This way, the bluffer can distance himself from the act of bluffing and tries to trick his opponent in the process.

Bluff Poker Site

But let's not get ahead of ourselves; just because you noticed someone at the poker table using more ‘he' and ‘she' than ‘I' and ‘we,' this doesn't mean he's actually bluffing. You have to pick up much more information in order to hero call successfully. Be sure to look at all the signs - including betting patterns and sizes - and see if they tell the same story. If they are, then it's actually a good time to hero call and amaze the table. Not so much? Well, maybe folding is the best action. Either way, we hope you made the right decision. No, really (just check the ‘we' in the sentence)!

Online Poker Bluff Tells Rick

What other physical tells can you think of? Be sure leave a comment below and share with the whole poker community your experience with bluffing and hero calling.

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